Online Entry

(Just so you know, we use cookies to run this service. Use the link at the bottom of the page to view our privacy policy)

  Privacy and Cookie Policies

Your information and privacy

Your Play&Perform ( account

The service provided by Play&Perform stores information about your account that you provide (email address, password, phone numbers) purely for the purposes of operating this service. It also stores details of entrants that you provide, again for the purpose of operating this service. Play&Perform does not pass on any data to any third party.

The festival using this service to provide online entries may also use the data you provide to contact you about your entries to the festival. The festival is the controller of the data stored by Play&Perform.

You will be asked periodically to re-confirm that you have given your consent for the data you provide to be stored and used. If your consent is not renewed all data entered by you will be deleted after 24 months.


Play&Perform uses cookies to temporarily store data necessary to provide this service (for example to assist in navigating from page to page). Play&Perform does not 'track' you and all cookies are removed when you log off.